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Since 1980

An ISO 9001 : 2008

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Products / Brass Line Tape

Line Taps Specifications

Line Tap

  • Crimping Test Applied Force : Upto 240 mm2 -1.2 x 105 N.
  • 300 mm2 to 630 mm2 - 2.2 x 105 N Above 630 mm2 - 4.2 x 105 N.

Sizes of Availability

Size J C B A/F D A/F F
6 19.85 4 12.7 13.35 4.8
10 26.75 4.7 12.7 19 5.6
16 26 5.7 12.7 19 5.6
25 28 7.3 16 19 5.6
35 35 7.8 18.5 24 6.35
50 42 9.7 24.1 27.2 8.65
70 44.5 11.5 24.1 27.2 8.65
95 50 14.4 26.5 35.4 9.4
120 57.5 16.2 30 35.4 12
120 57.5 16.2 30 35.4 12
185 57.5 18.2 31.75 38 12
240 72.5 22 40 48.2 14.25
300 72.5 24 42 50 14.25
400 76.5 26 48 56 16
500 80 30 55 65 16


Manufactured from high strength copper alloy Precision Tooled Threads


Provides maximum conductivity and a high degree of breakage resistance Allows maximum torque to be applied Ensures reliability

Material Used

BS 2874/Freely cut high quality brass rods.

Sizes of Availability

Split Bolt Connectors are available from 6 mm2 up to 500 mm2. Higher or lower sizes are possible with customer demand.

Line Tap

Finishing of the Product

Split bolt Connectors are rolled out in natural brass. They are also copper coated/electro tin finished/nickel plated. High conductivity copper also used on demand of the customers.